Dr. Edward Ildefonso Jr.
After 36 years as the founding pastor of West Los Angeles Living Word Christian Center in Los Angeles, California. U.S.A., I stepped down to turn the leadership over to Pastor Phil J. Burno. I am humbled to know that the church is in his hands. The Great Commission has been the driving force behind all that we do in and through the life of the Church. During this same time period by the grace of God we have been able to plant and establish 714 churches representing 54 languages worldwide. All by the grace of God.
During this time period we spent significant amount of time training pastors and church leaders around the world. This very fact is what inspired my wife and I to move from the U.S.A. to the country of Peru in South America. From this location we will be able to continue to train pastors and church leaders through the Talmid School of Theology. In addition, to continuing the work of the Great Commission.
We have spent most of our time over the years working in third world countries and decided that this is where would make our last stand in the work of God. The purpose of the Talmid School of Theology to provide biblical training to the thousands of pastors in the third world that have no access to biblical training.
There is not anything else that we would rather do but to serve the Lord in His Church. There is nothing more important than to see a person come to Christ to be saved and forgiven and transformed for the glory of God.